a collection of images i have made, or scoured from the internet: ones i agree with, like the æsthetic of, or any other reason
want a button of your own? i'll definitely take requests, but only if i think it sounds interesting - also, i'll probably procrastinate for an age as well (it doesn't have to be a cause i agree with, but obviously no pro nazi shit etc.)
this will serve as both a gallery, and a credits page:
feel free to steal any images you like – and message me with what you do with them!
hover over each image for more source: green means original creator, yellow means where i found the image. orange means made by me (underlined are links to aseprite .ase files), red means unknown source. "insp" means the inspiration for the design (direct or indirect).
i hope if i can start this as a trend then it'll be easier to find the original creator; if you take any of these i heartily recommend you do this (even just as an html comment) - i wish i'd done so from the start
any images not credited on this page, will hopefully have the source in the html:
<img data-img-source=[example.com] />
all window/desktop icons that i didn't make (you can tell which
ones are mine by the quality drop) come from
alexmeub.com, although
there are more custom designed ones that i haven't used at
useful tool: a javascript bookmarklet for toggling pixelated and bilinear ("smooth") image rendering when viewing a single image in a browser:
Pixjust drag it into your bookmarks bar, and then click it when you want to trigger it
none of these are lazy loading, so if you're on a data/metered plan you should probably click away now
Page Last Edited:
The 8th May 2023
Site Last Edited:
The 14th August 2024