Kustom presets

here are links to all my kustom (KLWP, etc.) presets that i haven't lost the files to. they're all hosted on github, the repo is here. (shift+scroll wheel to scroll sideways)


Wood Panelling

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inspired by retro car header units, and VCRs. the central display shows the current song, or three notifications + wifi ssid if no music is playing. the line under the music is track percentage. the needle meter is battery, the bars on the left and right are signal, wifi, and bluetooth speaker battery (if applicable). the icons are bluetooth on/connected, charging/fast, data, and wifi on/connected.

Retro Gruvbox

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Designed around the Gruvbox colourscheme, bright and vibrant

Casio W-86

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I love the Casio Illuminator, I think it's the superior model to the F91-W


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Ubuntu, for all it's flaws, looks really nice by default (at least up until 18.04)

Amber Terminal

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Similar to kustomfetch, but designed to be a companion to my WPE wallpaper


Outrun Widgy

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Made as a request from reddit.